We Bought A House!

Feb. 1st we'll be moving into our very own home in Eagle Mountain. I guess this means we're staying in Utah for awhile!!!

Zane has been wanting to be in 'his own house' for quite a while. I've been a little bit hesitant and have occasionally been touring homes to humor him. I honestly didn't plan on looking seriously until I was at least finished with this school year. However, in the midst of my humoring him, we came across a deal we just couldn't turn down. I agreed to place an offer and didn't think anymore about it.

Monday morning we received a call from our realitor letting us know that our offer was accepted. It was the weirdest feeling I've ever had. We started laughing, hugged eachother, and danced around. Then... I started dry heaving.

Its going to mean a lot of big changes over the next six months till I'm out of school but it will be so nice to be home owners. The house is perfect.

Its a wonderful neighborhood, almost new (4 yrs), and there's tons of room to grow. As you can tell from the picture the yard needs a ton of work (which zane is thrilled about- hopefully we don't end up with a pond). We are thrilled to be home owners. Hope to see you all staying over soon!

Thanks Jentry and Drue!

My cousin Jentry has been watching Hudson for me and it has been such a blessing. Leaving my baby to someone else all day is challenging; but knowing he is being taken care of and loved is so comforting.

Jentry has a little girl named Drue who is almost two. She absolutely adores Hudson and it is so much fun to watch them. He definately recognizes her and she is so protective of him.

(Dure sharing her goldfish)

A week ago, Zane picked Hudson up and when he was gone Drue started looking around confused. She asked where her baby was. Jentry told her that he went home with his dad and she got angry. "No! My baby," she said.

I think it has been so good for both of them to be around another child. Thank you Jentry and Drue for taking such good care of my little boy!

P.S. She also takes amazing pictures. Here's one she took of Hudson

Best Two Years

Zane and I have been married for two years today. While he and my cute baby snooze, I can't help but think how lucky I am to have them both. The last two years have taken us so many places. . .

We started out in St. George/Hurricane, moved to Rexburg, finished school, swore off Walmart, moved to Salt Lake, I did my student teaching, we waited for real jobs while I did hair and he sold cars, got real jobs (in our fields!), we had a baby, and had a million laughs along the way.

Growing together has been one of the sweetest experiences I've ever had. I am so lucky to have someone who loves me so much. The longer we are together the more I am convinced that there could be absolutly no one more perfectly matched for me. Two years ago I made the best decision of my life and each day is better than the last because of it. I'm so glad the many ahead will find us facing life together!

It's beginning to smell a lot like Christmas

We put up our Christmas tree yesterday and now it officially feels like Christmas. Zane and I talked a lot about investing in a fake tree but I just can't bring myself to do it. I LOVE the way the real ones smell. As soon as we had it in the house I was glad we decided to go real. Like magic, just having the smell of pine in the house makes it feel like Christmas is really here.

Our first year I suggested that, since our anniversary is so close to Christmas, we make a point to go somewhere and bring back an ornament from that place so that it was actually special rather than annoying. Zane decided that it was such a good idea, he wanted one for everyplace we went that year- so we've collected ornaments from every major trip we've taken since we've been married. Then last year, we decided to turn a peice of the trunk of each years tree into an ornament with the year on it. So between anniversary, vacation, tree trunks, and a few ornaments I found 60% off at Shopko... I think our tree looks pretty darn cute!

I love being a mom

Hudson just keeps getting funner! He is becoming super social and will stare at me for hours at a time while i sing or talk to him. He thinks everything I do is funny, and he's always smiling. He's starting to produce tears and pout when he cries. So cute! I laugh every time.

He loves bath time.

My favorite part of the day is nap. I've always been a snuggler and although I know we're not supposed to co-sleep, I can't help it- I love how cuddly he is!

My sister Lacie gave him this little suit (Pretend you can't see me messy house int he background). I'm really hoping we can still squeeze him into it when we finally bless him in February.

I am so lucky to be this cute little guys mom!


Just when I think I hate my job enough to walk out, one of those kids tugs at my heartstrings. Yesterday one of my students came up to me and started stuttering. He's pretty shy and has only been at our school for two weeks so I haven't heard him talk a lot. I've never heard him stutter so I was making the most confused face.

I could tell he felt stupid for stuttering and the look I was giving him just made him more nervous. By the time I realized I was being a jerk, he finally spit it out. He was trying to tell me that I looked pretty that day. How sweet! And I thank the poor kid by looking at him like he's an idiot. Doh! Add that to the list of moments I wish I could do over.

I love teaching but sometimes I feel like I spend so much time nagging, lecturing, and disciplining that I never get to teach. Then the tests come back and there is no sign whatsoever that the kids understood even a smiggin of what I actually taught.

I'm tired of teaching; I'm sick of failing; and I want to sleep in.

Life since baby

I've been back in scool for three weeks now. Remind me why I wanted to hangout with 75 eleven year olds everyday?

I get the rest of the week to hang out with my cute boys.

Hudson is now twice his birth weight and growing out of his preemie clothes. I took some more pictures of him next to the same objects so we can compare....starting to wish I'd chosen a cuter object like a stuffed animal. oh well.

This is of him in the same newborn outfit. The first was taken at the end of october and the second was yesterday. Its crazy how fast he grows!

Zane is loving being a dad and is such a lifesaver.

Between SEP conferences and getting sick twice in the last week, I have needed a lot of help with night shifts. Zane has been so sweet to take over. Poor guy is pretty tired though. He sat down for two seconds too long and was out cold.

The rest of these are just some favorites... aren't they cute?

Talking back already

I am absolutely loving having my little man home! He makes me laugh everyday with all the faces he pulls and his giant attitude.

He grunts. a lot. The other night Zane grunted back and suddenly Hudson balled up his little fists and grunted so hard I thought his eyes would pop out. Oh my he has attitude! I'm afraid we're in for an adventure with this one.

I love the way his shifty little eyes are so alert to everything.

That his smile is crooked.

But most of all I love the blue steal look!

How can so much personality be in such a tiny baby?

Growing on Us

Just got back from the Ped's office and Hudson has gained 8 oz this week (an oz a day!!) for a total of 4 lbs 5 oz. Way to go buddy! We're so glad you're home.

These newborn clothes still drown him

P.S. We are working on getting a camera that takes decent pictures. Hopefully we'll be able to post some soon.

He's Home!!

Hudson came home on Sunday night and we are loving it.

Ready or not: here I come

The next morning I told Zane it was silly for him to miss work just to watch me lay there for three days, so off he went. I spent the morning having a stress test done. I needed to use the bathroom but they said it would be easier to get the pictures if my bladder was full so they asked me to wait.

Upstairs, the nurse finished the ultra sound, said the doctor wanted to see me, and left the room. A half an hour later another nurse entered, did the same test, said she wanted the doctors opinion, and left. I laid there for over an hour- still having to pee. Finally, another nurse came through the door in a panic. "Oh there you are! We've been searching the entire hospital for you."

What? They lost me?! No wonder I had been left there so long. I asked the nurse why the first two nurses didn't tell her where I was and she said, "Oh, they're both at lunch." Again, What!?! They just went to lunch and left me there?! I was extremely irritated.

Back in my room, I laid there for another two hours. Great, I thought, I've been forgotten again. Finally, my doctor showed up with the results. He explained that the baby had stopped getting any nutrients and had actually lost weight from the ultra sound performed two days before. They needed to take him immediately so that he could continue to grow.

"I know this isn't what you had in mind, but we did give you both the steroid shots which will help with his lungs. We have every reason to believe everything else is developed and should be just fine." He said that the baby didn't seem to be under too much distress so they were going to induce me and just watch his levels. He explained that I needed to be mentally prepared for a c-section since it was very likely that labor would be too much for the baby to handle.

Up to this point I hadn't been really impressed with the man. He didn't necessarily do anything wrong, I just didn't love the guy. He was distant and I felt like I was just a number. As he told me the test results, that changed. He sat with me, he held my hand, and he let me cry.

A specialist from the NICU came in and talked about what to expect with a preemie baby. My mind was reeling. A week ago I had thought I still had nearly two months till baby. Three weeks, two days, now. Each time the news came I had to completely readjust my mindset. I was terrified; I felt completely unprepared.

As the nurse talked about the possibilities of his lungs collapsing, his eyes being damaged by the oxygen he would need, his small size (3 lbs. 5 oz), and other trials that I would need to be prepared for, I just cried. She asked if I was okay and if I had questions. I remember looking at her like those where the silliest questions in the world. What choice did I have? I had to be okay. What questions should I ask? I was still trying to process what was happening- my baby was coming and neither of us was ready for it.

I kept thinking of my mom telling me how she regretted not holding my older brother when he was born. She had said that the nurses had been so insistent on caring for him that he was gone before she got to hold him. This was my biggest fear. If my baby was going to die, I wanted to hold him first. I wanted to bond with my baby before he was gone. The nurse assured me that they would definitely hand him to me first if that’s what I wanted. She urged me to speak up and not be afraid to tell the doctors and nurses what I wanted.

I called Zane and told him we were having the baby. They expected that since my body wasn't ready to have the baby I would be in labor a long time. The doctor said that the earliest he expected me to deliver was the next morning. They started me on some pill that was supposed to soften the cervix and Zane called all of the family members to let them know baby was on his way.

Karen and the cop were there within a couple of hours. Mike and Tammie left immediately. Mom wanted to be able to stay and help out for a few days so she ran around convincing her professors to let her miss a week of classes. She didn't make it on the road until about 6 pm.

Meanwhile, I was reacting extremely well to the medication and was experiencing labor. I thought I still had at least a month so I hadn't taken any birthing classes and had absolutely no idea what to expect. I started freaking out and called my sister Lacie to have her walk me through it. I wanted to know what I was in for and knew she wouldn't sugar coat anything.

As the pain progressed I wanted my mom. I kept calling and calling, but her phone was at home and she was still on campus. I could tell that I was moving a lot faster than they had told me I would and I started to worry that she wouldn’t make it in time.

Around six another doctor came in and explained that the baby was in distress and they were going to do an emergency c-section. My doctor had gone home thinking it would be morning before I delivered so we had to wait for him to get back. No one had even checked me so I finally said something. He was shocked at how well I had progressed in just the four hours since receiving the pill, but said I was still too tight and the baby needed to come fast.

The c-section was awful. My body was so cold and I couldn't stop shaking. Zane was so cute to sit and hold my hand. I begged him to keep talking to keep my mind busy. It was so hard to just lay there and feel helpless- I wanted to be doing something, anything. I kept thrashing my head back and forth.

Cute Zane just kept talking. At one point I realized he was talking about finances and insurance and I wanted to get mad at him for thinking of those at a time like this. But then it hit me: he didn't know what to talk about either. I had asked him to keep talking so he was saying whatever came to mind.

The doctors acted so casual, discussing their weekend plans as they worked. I listened, glad for something to focus on and think about. Every once in awhile they would say something related to the surgery like, "Oh wow, look how thin the cervix is. Those pills worked really fast," or, "Sara, I think I broke the staple gun. Can you find me a new one?"

Each time my mind would go crazy and I'd think something like, "Oh my gosh, they're stapling me?!" The worst was when blood would splatter on the curtain in front of my face. Poor Zane; I bet that was hard for him too. Doctors: if you are going to leave patients conscious during such a mentally traumatic experience, the least you can do is give them a math problem or riddle to solve so their mind is busy.

I’ve always hated the feeling of being numb and the spinal block was the pits. Whenever I’ve been numbed at the doctor’s office, it takes forever to kick in. They usually have to give me five shots and then they still start drilling before I’m completely numb. I was terrified that my body would react similar and I would feel it when they started cutting. Luckily the only thing I could feel was my skin being tugged. It was all a mentally exhausting experience.

When the baby was taken out they told Zane to stand up so he could see the baby as it was whisked away. Zane said, “Weird. He looks like a shriveled little blueberry.” The doctors then all commented on how good it was that he cried when they cleaned out his throat and that he had lots of energy (flinging his arms). I thought of my concern to hold him before they took him away, but I was in such anxiety that I didn’t want to hold him when I was feeling like that. For a moment, I wasn’t sure what to do. Then suddenly, I knew it was okay. I could let him go and everything would be okay. I felt so calm and peaceful.

As soon as the surgery was over they wheeled me back in to my room. Mom still wasn’t there. My Aunt Calleen had come. I had tons of energy and we all laughed and told stories about how men and women are so different. I was so glad they were all there. I felt so overcome with gratitude for the people that loved me enough to drop everything and be there- for me.They then wheeled my bed into the NICU and I was able to see my baby for the first time, but I couldn’t touch him. He was covered in so many tubes and wires I couldn’t even tell what he looked like.

They moved me to a room upstairs where I would stay for the next four days and I fell right to sleep. I woke up when mom came in the room around eleven, hugged her, cried and told her how scared I had been without her there, and then fell back to sleep.

It's Time!

I am officially past being patient. They've had my baby for a month; I want him back. Yesterday I seriously considered just unplugging the cords and walking out with him. They have to let me right?

He's holding his own temperature, he doesn't need oxygen. Really, none of their monitors are doing anything for him right now. The only reason he is still there is because they are working him back up on his feeds. Can't I do that on my own? At my own house? Seriously- if I notice anything wrong I'll bring him back in. Promise.

It's time. I need my baby to come home.

You know you're jealous!

Chrissy and Melissa came up this last weekend and we all went to the Hansen concert!!!! I had so much fun hanging out with the girls. I was a little nervous that they would have outgrown thier talent now that their voices have matured. However, they did awesome. Alot of artists sound awful live but the Hansen brothers are really talented. It is quite possible that I like them more now then I did when they were popular.

You can see how much fun we had here.

As small as a . . .

It's hard to tell just how small Hudson is from the pictures we have posted so i took some comparison pictures using basic household items.

My breast pad is bigger than his head

His body is about the length of a toothbrush

Yes, this is a normal size wash cloth

So tiny and yet so cute!

I have a secret (Shhh...)

Zane is so hard to suprise! I love concerts, but we have never gone to one because we have such different tastes in music. I finally found a country artist I figured I could stand for an entire evening, so I decided to suprise Zane with tickets to Brad Paisley and Darius Rucker. He kept trying to plan things for that weekend, so I no choice but to tell him I already had something planned. From then on he wouldn't stop trying to figure out what it was.

I got Tammie and Mike

in on it and we did pretty good at keeping it a secret. However, when Hudson came I wasn't sure whether we should still try to go so I told Zane what it was so we could decide together. I'm so glad we decided to still go; it was fun to forget about everything for a night. Well kind of. . .

{Hudson was learning to nurse so we had to figure out how to work around his schedule. Also, I had to pump a couple times while we were there. Awful!! The first time I had to sit on the floor of the nasty public bathroom in between the sinks and have people look at me all sorts of wierd. Then, the bathroom was beyond nasty so I sat in the mud behind one of the buildings and as I was finishing a drunk woman came up to me wanting to chat about not letting Tammie give in to men. Bha haha! Drunk people are crazy!}

Anyway- the concert was a blast and now I have a new secret. I am in love with Darius Rucker. It's true. I have one of those silly celebrity crushes where I totally go weak at the knees when his songs come on the radio. As much as I enjoy Brad Paisley's music I have to say he isn't a great performer. Sorry Brad, but Darius stole the show.

Hudson's cutest ever.

Well little Hudson is doing great. He weighs in at 3 lbs and 9 oz almost has gained 1 pound since birth. he is breathing on his own too, holds his own body temperature. If he continues to eat well, he'll be home in no time. Thanks for all of your prayers and gifts.

Update on our little man

Hudson has been learning to take all of his feedings by mouth. There are four stages and he was cruzing through them- he had made it to stage three in just three days. Then, Saturday the nurses found blood in his stools. They made the decision to stop his feeds and give him all nutrients through an IV until they knew what was causing the blood. They started him on antibiotics which will last until this Saturday.

(Poor thing has had an empty belly for five days and he is trying so hard to be pleasant about it. His binky has been his best friend this week.)

His IVs keep going bad and they've poked him so many times that he was running out of viens for them to use. We decided to have a PICC line put in. The PICC line is basically a permanent IV. They thread a tube through one of his main veins and up to his heart. It can be pretty dangerous but the x-rays show that everything went okay. The good news is that the PICC line can last up to 30 days without going bad so little Hudson will have a break from being poked so much.

On a happy note: Hudson has completely weened off oxygen and is breathing room air. This is a big deal to us since the oxygen he would be sent home on is 100% whereas they dilude it in the hospital. 100% oxygen can be bad for babies eyes. Yay for not coming home on oxygen!

He is also gaining weight (starting to look plump and healthy), maintaining his own body temperature, and definately remembers eating. As soon as he is able to, I have a feeling he'll be cruzing through the stages again.

(P.S.) Here's what Peggy's scrapbook page looks like when its not in pieces:

But I feel fine!

I had a rough start at first, struggling with morning sickness for almost 5 months. Months 6 and 7 were pretty fun as the sickness disappeared and Hudson started to move around.

I didn't ever really look pregnant. We figured that with this being my first baby, neither of us being very large in stature, and my uterus being tipped- I was probably just carrying deep and it was normal for me to look small.

At my 28 week appointment I noticed that the urine strip was discolored, but when I gave it to the nurse she didn't even make a note of it. She made a comment that my blood pressure was high, but she didn't seem to think it was a big deal. I told her, "You spend all day with seventy-five 6th graders and see if your blood pressure isn't a little high."

The doctor had been called to an emergency c-section so the nurse finished the appointment. When she measured me she looked concerned. She left the room and returned with another nurse. I was measured three more times and then they stood there arguing whether or not I should wait for the doctor to get back. They finally decided that it could be hours before he returned and I was probably fine.

Two weeks later I went back in and once again my urine strip was discolored. This time I picked up the bottle and found out what it meant. When I handed it to the nurse she quickly glanced and threw it away-just like last time. I bent back down, pulled it out of the garbage, and showed it to her again.

"Doesn't that mean there's protein in my urine?" I asked.

"Oh it is a little off, isn't it? Let's look it up."

She made a note of it and the fact that once again my blood pressure was up. "Uh-oh. You may have preeclampsia. Let me grab the doctor." Off she went.

The doctor ordered a 24 hour urine test, some lab work, and told me to take it easy that weekend. He explained that we were going to try to keep my blood pressure down, but if I had pre-eclampsia I would be having my baby before my due date. He estimated that best case scenerio- I had three weeks before baby.

I spent that night bawling hysterically- thinking of all the possible consequences of having my baby so early. Thank heavens for Casey! The doctor hadn't really taken time to explain anything to me so I was scared to death. I spent nearly three hours on the phone with him while he explained what it was, why it happens, and that it wasn't anything I did wrong or could have prevented.

[Pre-eclampsia is a condition where the placenta is faulty and doesn't allow nutrients to pass through to the baby like they should. For this reason, they can be growth restricted (small). Since blood and nutrient flow is restricted the mothers blood pressure will increase and the body won't absorb protiens so they end up in the urine. While high blood pressure is a symptom it isn't a cause. Along with the danger of the baby not getting nutrients, a mother's blood pressure rising is dangerous for her and the baby since it can cause seizures, harming them both.]

I spent the weekend in St. George with my mom, sisters, and my closest friends. Zane hung out with my dad and brothers seeing historical sites. I mention this because I think it was part of our miracle that Zane and I both went into the next week feeling rested, loved, and supported.

Tuesday I had an ultrasound and found out Hudson was measuring 4 weeks behind. My doctor wasn't in, so another doctor was taking my vitals. Both he and his nurse freaked out- my blood pressure had sky rocketed. He told me that there was no way I was going to make it 3 weeks until delivery and he wanted me to receive steroid shots to help the babies lungs develop incase he came in the next couple days. Once again, I bawled. I wasn’t mentally ready to have my baby already be here.

I received the first shot and was ordered on bed rest. I felt fine so I tried to argue with him about going back to work. He looked at me like I was crazy and said, "I don't think you realize how serious this is." I told him I had left my room a complete disaster and I at least needed to go back that night and get things ready for a sub. He turned to Zane and said, "Don't you dare let her. You take her straight home and put her to bed. You'll be taking care of dinner tonight."

We figured it would be our last chance for awhile if I was going to be on bed rest for three weeks (we still were having a hard time believing the doctors that it would be sooner than that) so we stopped at Wingers for dinner.Other than that, I tried my best to behave.

I stayed in bed all day on Wednesday. I did spend most of it sitting up, working on my laptop, and making phone calls to get my long term leave of absence started 8 weeks early- but I was still in bed doing no strenuous activity, right? I didn't shower, heck I didn't even get dressed until I headed to my doctor’s appointment that afternoon.

At the doctor's office I found out that my blood pressure was up yet again and my lab results were back- showing that I most definitely had pre-eclampsia. My doctor told me that I would not be going home. He wanted me on hospital bed rest so that they could be sure I wasn't getting out of bed. Once again I tried to argue- I felt fine! They gave me the second steroid shot and shipped me off to labor and delivery.

It was killing me to lie in bed. Zane and I couldn't even play cards, because I get competitive and that raised my blood pressure. I tried to finish tying up loose ends at work over the phone. The nurse came in while I was on the phone with a parent about her problem child. She looked at the screen, then at me. Her eyes were wild. She semi-lunged at the phone and then stopped herself. I took the hint and hurriedly ended the phone call. She was not happy. Apparently my pressure had been in the 'should be dead' range and consequently my phone privileges were taken.

It must have made for good nurse gossip, because the next four nurses that came in all scolded me for it. My doctor was even called down and he lectured me about not even thinking about work. I was so confused: how could I have 'should be dead' levels and feel perfectly fine?

I tried even harder to be good, but it turned out that even sitting up raised my levels significantly so... phone gone, unable to even sit up, I stared at the ceiling thinking bitter thoughts about how every doctor should have to experience bed 'a-rest' before they are allowed to prescribe it.

Caution: Journal Approaching

We have seen so many miracles the past couple of weeks; I just wanted to get them all down. I'm sorry if this is boring, but Zane and I haven't been great at recording our experience. I'm going to use the blog as a journal. This will include what led up to Hudson's early delivery, our experiences in the hospital, and thoughts and impressions we've jotted down along the way. They may show up randomly so be prepared for lots of text and old news.

Ode to Peggy

The NICU nurses rotate every 12 hours and we are always seeing new faces. We have really struggled with the inconsistancy- it feels like just as one nurse starts to get to know his cues, a new one comes.

We found one nurse in particular that we just love. We have requested her to be one of his primary care nurses which means the three days she works, she's always with Hudson. Did I mention that I love her? She knows just how to calm him down, what positions he likes to be placed in, and she is so patient in answering all our questions and teaching me to take care of his needs.

Yesterday I was really struggling. I haven't felt well and its emotionally hard to see him sick. She was so sweet- taking the time to steal me a pillow and blanket from a labor and delivery room so I could rest without leaving his room.

As Zane and I were leaving she gave me a huge hug and the cutest scrapbook page that she had made on her lunch hour of pictures she had taken of him while I slept.

(Apparently my scanner is smarter than me becuase it wouldn't let me scan the whole page in but kept cropping it instead. Oh well. You can't see how cute the page is but here are some of the peices. You'll have to imagine them all together.)

Hudson is off CPAP.....Hurray...we can see him!!

Does it look like this girl just had a baby a day ago!!

First fight with oxygen..

Second fight with oxygen...

Doesn't he look so comfortable.

And he's starting to win!

The cutest feet I've ever seen, minus all the cords of coarse!

Thank you all so much for the prayers, i really think he's felt them and the Lord has helped him greatly, besides the fact he follows after his stubborn parents...we're all in trouble!!