Tales of Teaching

I really hope Hudson just skips right over being 11. Don't get me wrong, I love those kids... most of the time. However, I find myself wanting to scream on a daily basis. Of course that's when I'm not laughing, crying, or staring in disbelief.

I wish I had thought to keep track of what they say earlier, but here's the latest:

- Did you know fish can drown? Its true! I read it on the internet.

- If I work really hard today, can I have my peice of cardboard back?

- Student: I testified against my little sisters dad yesterday and he broke into our house. My mom doesn't feel safe here so we're moving to Compton to be close to her boyfriend while he's in jail.
Me: I thought he was in jail in Georgia.
Student: No that's my dad

- There's a sock on my floor; who's is it? No really guys, who's missing a sock? (No one claimed it!)

- I don't feel good, can I have another cookie?

- Wanna hear my favorite guitar set? Neener NEEner, Neener NEEner, Neener NEEner....(3 min later).... Neener NEEner.....

- I like pizza. (Every day for the past four months)

- I'm just not good at thinking.

- I can do nothing for a really long time.

- Coloring is hard; I'll just take a zero.

- If there weren't cops, I'd do whatever I wanted all the time.

- Hey, this is just like DT! (I was taking role)

- I can't do my homework. You forgot to tell me what I learned!