The Good, The Bad, and The Garden

Yay!! Zane and I finally have the internet again. It moved on the last day of school with our favorite neighbors and we finally decided to actually pay for it. I love it. It is so nice not to have to plan a special trip to check my email or update the blog.

Unfortunatly, schools starts in a week- so even though I now have the internet, I will be back to two jobs and 12 credits with no time to actually update. Yuck.

What we're up to. . .

Our amazing neighbors let Zane and I have a little corner of their yard to garden and we have been having so much fun with it. We have tons of veggies so if anyone, and I do mean ANYONE, would like to swing by and pick some up we would love to share!

This is of our first little sprouts- we were so proud

Look at it now! All grown up.

Also, my smart shopper husband who works in the wonderful Walmart produce section noticed that a whole bunch of really ripe bananas came in. Of course they had to be discounted and OF COURSE Zane just couldn't let a good deal pass by so . . .

We have way more dried banana chips, banana cream pie, and banana bread than any two people should ever eat. PLEASE let us know if you would be willing to take a loaf of bread off our hands and we would be happy to drop one by.


Damien and Ashley said...

yeah! good excuse to come visit me and bring me banana bread!!! your welcome any time!

Shan and Aubs said...

We will take some banana bread do you think you could save it until thanksgiving? ya know its not really a mystery as to why zane and shandon get a long so well...they both cannot pass up a good deal like...banana's or 5 years worth of light bulbs that are more energy efficient it doesn't really matter how much money they spent as long as it was a good deal or on sale gotta have it! that's hilarious.