Zane and I are both officially college graduates (YAY!!!!!!!!) and are living in the Salt Lake Valley. We just moved out of our apartment in Taylorsville and are living in a basement appartment on the edge of West Valley and Magna. We are loving it here!
We both finally have salaried jobs in our fields! Zane started his new job today (I'm waiting for a phone call to hear if he's liking it). He will be writing and editing saftey manuals/programs for Caterpiller through a company called Browse. That's all I know- if you want more details you'll have to ask him. . .
I will be teaching 6th grade at the elementary school where I did my student teaching (Plymouth). I am thrilled to be working with the same faculty that trained me- they are truly amazing. I have to admit though, the first day of school nightmares have started and its comical to think how different they are from a teachers perspective than from when I was actually in school.
We have pretty much decided on the name Milo so if you totally hate it too bad. However, we are open to suggestions so you have four more months to cast your vote. Isn't that crazy! I am already over half way there. Milo is healthy and active and I am finally enjoying being pregnant. For the most part my morning sickness is MIA and it is so exciting to feel life stirring in there.
My sweet mother in law Karen and her mother Grandma Spence are throwing me a baby shower on the 17th of July up in Bear Lake. I have not been sure whom to invite because I don't want anyone to feel obligated to make that drive, but please know I am serious when I say you are all invited if you are able to make it. If you need directions to G-ma Spence's place let me know.