This is the inside of the Paris Tabernacle. Drove past it all the time as a kid and finally got to go in!
This is grandmas and grandpas house (spence side my mom) We love visiting grndpa and ma.
This is the backside of the Tabernacle.
Front view of tabernacle.
Rach and i in soda springs at the sister to old faithful gysier. Good mineral water, try it some time.
The Smith mofia! That's only half the guns.
Colter (my little bro) Locked himself in the camper, it took them a while to get him to get out! He didn't know how to unlock the door. It was entertaining, atleast for me, i'm not the parent! HA HA
Rach and cody shooting She's actually a good shoot, well at least she got me shen she aimed. bah ah
My little pleasant camper!!
This ones for tamron, i grew up in Swan valley where this store is located. Their store theme, When you cuss, think of us!! The Dam Store, Swan Valley idaho
Did you guys eat at that place with the HUGE blueberry pancakes?? The Ranch hand I think it's called.... :0)
no, unfortunatly they closed down awhile back
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