He's here!
This pregnancy was such a breeze compared to last time. Although I was nauseous for the first half and had heart burn for the last half, I hardly ever threw up. I didn't get pre-eclampsia and he didn't come early. In fact, I went two days over. I know that isn't that long but it felt like forever!
I really wanted to have a v-bac instead of another c-section. My blood pressure did go up just a little at the end so I went on bed rest to try to give my body time to go into labor. Unfortunately, nothing was happening. I researched all the old wives tales about how to get things moving and all the nurses offered their suggestions. Nothing worked. No dilation, no softening, nothing.
My water began slowly leaking when I woke up on the morning of April 1st but I really didn't want an April Fools baby. I tried to remember what I had heard about water breaking: It was supposed to be a big gush. I'd know it was my water. Besides, it was April Fool's day and I did not want my baby to have his birthday on April Fool's every year. If it was really my water, contractions would start soon. I probably just peed a little. I decided to just go on with my day.
I continued to have a slow leak all day. I was definitely not still peeing. I called Zane and then cleaned the house a little, took a shower, and did my hair and make-up. We had lunch together, dropped Hudson off at his babysitter's and drove slowly (much to Zane's dismay) to the hospital. They started running tests. Still no softening or dilation. My water hadn't broken but it did have a small tear meaning my 24 hours had started.
The doctor explained that they wouldn't give pit unless I was dilated to at least a three. Since I hadn't started at all, this wasn't an option.
I was disappointed. I had made it 40 weeks, the baby and I were both healthy, and I still had to have a c-section.
This one went WAY better. The bed and blankets were heated, Zane asked me questions about the book I was reading, the doctor removed my old nasty scar (Yay!), and I got to hold my baby right away.
He had to be on cpap for about an hour but his lungs dried out quickly and he has been healthy and happy ever since.
Milo was born at 5:40 p.m. on April 1st. He weighed 6 lbs 9 oz and was 19 inches long.
Grandpa and Grandma Smith took Hudson back to Idaho for a couple of days and Zane and I had a chance to spend some one on one with the new babe.

Milo was the first baby name that Zane and I agreed on right after we were married. We almost used it for Hudson but he just didn't look like a Milo. We gave him the middle name Brant in memory of my Grandpa who passed away last June. As soon as I knew I was having a boy, I knew I wanted Brant to be the middle name. Ironically, I did the math and Milo would have been conceived the same week Grandpa passed away. I like to think that Grandpa gave him a hug and an 'atta boy' and sent him on his way down.